일할 때 쓰려고 책에 있는 내용 베껴 적음 I am writing to inquire about your request. I am writing to reschedule a meeting with you. I am writing to invite you to a party this Friday. I am writing to express my gratitude for all of the help you provided. I am replying to your email dated Oct. 9th, 2013. I am sorry to tell you this but we won’t be able to take your order right now. I am responding to your email sh..
실적 관련 자료 만들 때 영어 표현 참고하려고 가져옴 BASF 2H 2020 Financial Report 출처 : report.basf.com/2020/q2/en/business-review/consolidated-interim-managements-report/results-of-operations.html Results of Operations Sales declined by €641 million compared with the first half of 2019 to €29,433 million. The decrease was mainly attributable to lower volumes in the Materials, Surface Technologies and Industrial Solut..